Disponent owner / operator

As disponent owner, Boeckmans Chartering operates a fleet of box-shaped coasters
- mv Maremka (dwt2507)
- mv Marie (dwt2974)
- mv Marley (dwt3001)
- mv Marant (dwt3700)
- mv Margot (dwt3798)
- mv Marcus (dwt3798)
All these vessels are trading under EU flag, which authorizes cabotage in European Countries, and puts them within the highest standards of ship management.
In addition, Boeckmans Chartering engages in voyage and time charters
This allows Boeckmans to adapt to the markets constant changing demands and to serve our primary direct customers. We operate about 30 vessels per year, main vessel types are box/mpp’s from 2000dwt up to 20.000dwt. Commodities are dry-bulk, breakbulk, projects and heavy lifts.
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